Admin Systems

The back office.

Drowning in admin?
Many ventures are …

It can be a constant headache and distraction from what you really want to be doing.

flexiIt’s not just about IT. It’s about using the right tools for the job, whether paper or digital. In our experience clients are often unaware of the tools and techniques which might be available to solve specific problems they face.

We not only ensure we are always at the cutting edge of business IT, but also create our own custom systems. So you can be sure that if our DJIData online database is something which will help you, it will be customised exactly to your own specification.


Of course, we just as often recommend clients dump unnecessary and cumbersome IT. Sometimes a Post-It note and pencil really are the right tools for the job!

Take a look over our Case Study, they use DJIData to run their entire venture

We also work closely with strategic partners Sirec Technologies.

DJI Systems’ senior partner David Griffiths was a joint founder.

Sirec have a track record since 2005 of class-leading service to ventures from sole traders right up to multi-million pound national organisations. Every aspect of IT service is available nationwide on demand, and impeccable references are always available.


Your Free Consultation

Let me spend some quality time with you. Grill me about anything, and get some real and immediate value for your venture.

And don't worry, I don't do "hard sell". Ever!