Boost Your Venture with your own app
The list of useful Apps you could have built for you is a long one:
- Online Shops
- Service & Products Marketing
- Field & Operations
- HR & Hiring
- Outreach & CRM
- Portals & Dashboards
- Project Management
- Event Management
- Education, Clubs & Charities
Not only are they extremely useful for streamlining your internal administration, they can bring huge benefits in engaging and retaining your customers.
If your business involves regular repeat customers, then giving them the option to have a handy App on their phone or tablet can really boost your sales, and credibility!
For example, a restaurant can have an easy booking system, and advertise a regular menu and even daily specials very easily.
Many businesses are starting to see the benefits of retaining their clients and interacting through an App, available on all mobile operating systems.
A quick chat with us about how an app could benefit your business will cost you nothing but could make you a great deal.
Our website design, build and host fee policy is laughably simple:
A one-off down payment of only £384, followed by just £20 / month hosting and management.
With no minimum contract, you can withdraw at any time.
Well over 90% of our projects are carried out under our Easy Payment Option – which means yours probably would be, too!
So no need to wonder about the cost if you’re on a tight budget.
Not many app designers advertise their prices so freely. But with modern tools, apps are easy to build these days, and we wouldn’t sleep at night knowing we were ripping people off with pricing structures which applied 5 years ago, and behind which many designers still hide!
If you do happen to need any particularly complicated functionality, if we just can’t absorb it in the Easy Payment Option, we’ll quote as necessary.