@dm1n1Str4t0r Notes

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A mental martial art of effortless and smooth practicality in life and work, blending contemporary tools with proven time-served, productivity techniques.

D Griffiths (2020). Made Up Definitions [online]
Available at: https://djisystems.com/notes/

Willpower Is Finite

Willpower Is Finite

According to theory, exercising willpower and resisting temptation is a cognitively demanding task that diminishes our ability to perform …

Set Big Goals?

Set Big Goals?

In a climb-every-mountain, live-your-best-life language of self-improvement, it can appear as if people setting the most ambitious goals turn out as the most successful …

Maximize Every Moment of Your Day?

Maximize Every Moment of Your Day?

One of the most persistent myths — so ingrained that it can be how people conceive of productivity itself — is the idea that working well is about maximising every waking moment …

Productivity Hacks Which Just Aren’t True

Productivity Hacks Which Just Aren’t True

Many productivity gurus will try and sell you on a series of quick fixes to boost your output, and, by extension, make you feel much better about yourself and your business life …

Accounting Systems: The Backbone of Your Business

Accounting Systems: The Backbone of Your Business

Possibly one of the least engaging topics for a small business owner with no accounting or book-keeping experience, nevertheless something which brings huge benefits to having an understanding of the topic …

Document Management Systems: Keeping Your Files Organised

Document Management Systems: Keeping Your Files Organised

You’re searching for that important contract, client information, or even that brilliant blog post that you wrote a while ago. Without an organised system in place, it can quickly turn into a digital treasure hunt, which is not as fun as it sounds …

Lead Generation Systems: Sales & Marketing

Lead Generation Systems: Sales & Marketing

If your business is virtual or online then this is of course an essential part of any day-to-day function. However, even a bricks and mortar business can bring more customers through the door with some simple and easy to execute systems in place …


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