Motivation Notes

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D Griffiths (2020). Made Up Definitions [online]
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Harnessing The 80/20 Rule for Smarter Goals

Harnessing The 80/20 Rule for Smarter Goals

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving our goals efficiently and effectively is more important than ever. That’s where the 80/20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, comes into play …

Stay Busy

Stay Busy

We all complain about being busy, and yet we keeping over-scheduling ourselves. Some of this owes to modern work culture …

Use Rewards

Use Rewards

Business culture promotes the idea that people are most strongly motivated by external rewards, like money or prestigious titles …

Willpower Is Finite

Willpower Is Finite

According to theory, exercising willpower and resisting temptation is a cognitively demanding task that diminishes our ability to perform …

Set Big Goals?

Set Big Goals?

In a climb-every-mountain, live-your-best-life language of self-improvement, it can appear as if people setting the most ambitious goals turn out as the most successful …


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