
On practicality in work & life.

‘PRAGMATIC’ Adjective

Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. (2019). Oxford English Dictionary. [online]
Available at:


A mental martial art of effortless and smooth practicality in life and work, blending contemporary tools with proven time-served, productivity techniques.

D Griffiths (2020). Made Up Definitions [online]
Available at:

PRAGMATICS”  (or ‘Zen and the Art of …’) is just a phrase I coined for a never-to-be written book title, and to encompass my foundation principles for:

  • Engineering a lifestyle of freedom
  • Freedom from the stress of the Productivity Myth
  • Freedom in creative expression for fun and profit
  • Personal satisfaction in learning and development

So the phrase is a catch-all description for what my Notes aim to help with. These are no utopian dream, rather they describe the practicalities and ethos of my own smug contentment. They’re autobiography, not self-help.

And they are tended as a digital garden. Never definitive, always growing, pruned & nurtured.

Nothing more.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

Albert Einsten

Just the facts, Ma’am, all we want are the facts.

Sgt. Joe Friday, LAPD

I’m as organised as I need to be, so I can be as free as I can be …

David Allen on “Getting Things Done”


My notes are shared with somebody specific in mind:

Probably, say, a thirty or forty-something? Certainly in a dead end job, or a moribund business. Where time moves like a glacier filled with frustration, disappointment and anger. Until another weekend flashes past in the blink of an eye.

But a person driven to act, to break through the feeling of a life slipping away un-lived. Yet pinned down by the inertia of self-doubt and a lack of pragmatic guidance. Plus, needing a swift kick in the arse every now and then!

My notes apply to life, business and creativity. They connect loosely, and offer the chance to browse, surf the links, and pick out nuggets. I try to make each of them an IOU:

  • I owe you: thanks for checking out my stuff
  • I owe you: a return on your time investment
  • I owe you: the respect of making them Interesting Or Useful

New notes appear often, but not to a timetable.

These notes may well be significantly revised on a regular basis. If this sort of thing is of any interest I'd urge you to invest in yourself: bookmark and check back for regular updates, or perhaps even sign-up below for update notifications.



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